Comedian Dave Hughes missed having his smartphone handy during his week-long detox. Picture: Nicole Garmston Source: News Limited
RADIO and TV host Dave Hughes realised his life had become "one big smartphone binge'' long after everyone else had recognised and mocked his addiction.
Distracted by his Apple iPhone, he lost his children, Raff and Sadie, in a park.
Unable to check his smartphone for four minutes during a Blood Bank test, he started sweating.
Every spare moment, he said, from waiting for fast food to dinner conversations with wife Holly, were based around his phone's glowing display.
"At the traffic lights I would be looking at my screen, which is illegal,'' Hughesy said.
Hughesy found life without a smartphone to be a bit of a drag. Picture: Nicole Garmston
Challenged by Nova 100's Hughesy & Kate co-anchor Kate Langbroek to go for one week without his iPhone 5, replaced by a basic Huawei handset, Hughesy said he was both suffering through and enjoying the mission.
While he has missed photo messages of his kids each day and regular sports updates, Hughesy said he was now more present at home, in meetings for The Project and enjoyed being a little less "obtainable''.
"You don't see them because you're on a phone yourself, but everyone has just become zombies,'' he said. "It's happened subtly but I'm fully aware of it now. You go on a train or any form of transport and have a look at how many people are completely transfixed by their phone.
"I actually recommend everyone should have a go at it (giving up smartphones) just for a few days.
Monday, April 22
1pm: Gave up the iPhone for an old fashioned Huawei mobile, capable only of texts and phone calls.
Afternoon: The Project pre-show meeting I participate instead of focusing on my iPhone. Carrie Bickmore isn't happy that I am contributing to the meeting instead of being distracted by my phone.
Early Evening: Try to remember how to use an old-fashioned phone. Can't work out how to change the tone on the phone and Charlie Pickering has to assist.
Evening: While waiting for takeaway I have to fill in time by ringing my wife Holly as I don't have my smartphone to distract me while I wait.
Tuesday, April 23
6am: During my breakfast show I beg anyone who has my number to text me so I have something new to read on my phone. As all my old text messages have transferred over, I've take to re-reading text messages which is sad.
Mid-morning: My producer Nick texts an encouraging message and I accidentally ring him back instead of texting as I hit the wrong key.
Afternoon: I'm missing the photos I would normally receive all day. I realise I can't communicate with my wife through photos and am missing seeing what the kids are up to during the day.
Wednesday, April 24
4.30am: It feels strange to get up and not check the iPhone as soon as I wake up. Going to the bathroom without the iPhone is a first.
7am: My text messages are now unreadable as they coming through as Chinese characters. Our anchor Dan had to fix the language setup.
Afternoon: The entire time I've been without my phone I've wanted to Google. I had to ask my wife Holly to find out if Andrew Bogut's Golden State Warriors had won the play-off. I asked her to Google NBA, Golden State and was surprised when she asked me why I wanted to do a Masters of Business at the University of America.
After 7.30pm: I'm constantly looking for feedback on Twitter on how I went on radio and TV. Not having that is quite liberating. It means I'm doing a good job!
Thursday, April 25
AM: Went on public transport with the kids to watch the Anzac Day march. Looking around me, I realise we are a nation of smartphone zombies and that almost every person under 65 is staring at their phones.
Mid-morning: How bad is it when the kids are saying "Daddy where is your phone?". They are not impressed with the old mobile phone I'm using.
PM: If I want to keep up with the sporting results, I have to watch the games on TV.
Friday, April 26
8.30am: I now have no service on my mobile phone, no service at all.
10am: Have to borrow one of my colleague's phones to find out where to meet my wife.
11am: I'm stunned by how many people spend all their time on their smartphones and once the challenge is over I am hoping to spend time without the phone.
Hughesy is heard on Hughesy & Kate on Nova 100 from 6am to 9am weekdays, and Before the Game and The Project on Channel 10
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