Ghoulishly good: Nicholas Hoult in Warm Bodies. Source: Supplied
GET the inside scoop on the best and worst films from movie expert Leigh Paatsch.
THE COMPANY YOU KEEP (M) You can't run forever, US, 122 min
Quality political thriller starring (and also directed by) Robert Redford. He plays Jim Grant, a fugitive political activist who has been wanted by the FBI for over three decades. Now Grant wants to come in from the cold to clear his name on a murder charge that should never have stuck in the first place. There is a lot of a plot to chew through here, and some of it is a little hard to digest if you're not familiar with the radical politics of yesteryear. Thank heavens, then, for the great support Redford draws from support players such as Nick Nolte, Shia LaBeouf, Stanley Tucci and the great Julie Christie. Rating: 3/5
THE CROODS (PG) A good time at the dawn of time, US, 98 min
This cleverly constructed cartoon adventure is the clear top pick of the holiday new releases across all age groups, even if it seems like it's just an Ice Age with humans replacing animals. Nicolas Cage gives voice to the head of a caveman family forced to look for a new home as the world's land mass divides into continents. It is easy to tell when a voice cast is enthused by the 'toon they're working on, and their positive vibes continually give the film a lift. Better still, the story is surprisingly involving, and the quality of animation is stunning (particularly in 3D). Co-stars the voices of Emma Stone, Ryan Reynolds. Rating: 3/5
FIRST POSITION (G) When tutu much may not be enough, US, 94 min
This compelling documentary look at a group of children rising through the ranks of competitive ballet is all about pressure. A lot of pressure. To win one of the coveted prizes on offer during the annual Youth America Grand Prix competition, it takes a high degree of mental strength not always found in the very young. The cameras of first-time filmmaker Bess Kargman are invariably present when each of her six subjects reach their individual moment of reckoning. Some rise to the occasion. Some falter at the last hurdle. It is edge-of-the-seat stuff by the close of the film, and not just because of the high stakes in play for all involved. By the time we reach the final performances, Kargman has skilfully imprinted the vividly colourful back stories of the contestants upon the viewer. Rating: 4/5
G.I. JOE : RETALIATION (M) This revenge a dish best served elsewhere, US, 110 min
Same-ish, lame-ish sequel to 2009's inexplicable action hit G.I. Joe : Rise of the Cobra. Channing Tatum (Magic Mike) is the marquee draw, but he's MIA for much of the picture. The literal grunt work is handled by Dwayne Johnson, Bruce Willis and a cavalcade of no-namers. Story? You're expecting one? OK. The US Prez has gone rogue and ordered a hit on his own G.I. Joe fighting force. They lash back by going rogue themselves. Out comes the ammo. Stuff explodes. More ammo. Baddies die. The End. We hope. Rating: 1.5/5
HAUTE CUISINE (M) It's all in good taste, France, 95 min
Trifling feelgood fare for foodies. In particular, French foodies. This is the true-ish story of Daniele Delpeuch, a gifted chef who rose from obscurity in the provinces to become the personal cook of French President Francois Mitterand. Catherine Frot is a delight in the lead role, often making this entree-sized material present like a main meal. Co-stars Jean d'Ormesson, Hippolyte Girardot. Rating: 2.5/5
IDENTITY THIEF (MA15+) Taken, not stirred, US, 111 min
Here's what happens when a terrible movie lands itself a terrific cast. The residual goodwill that stars Jason Bateman (Horrible Bosses) and Melissa McCarthy (Bridesmaids) enjoy with audiences exerts a strong gravitational pull in Identity Thief. Your head keeps telling you to hit the exits, but your heart says stick around, this just might get good any minute now. It does not. Bateman plays Sandy, an accountant whose life is ruined when his particulars are swiped by McCarthy's credit-card fraudster Diana. In the road-trip caper to follow, Sandy (constantly drawing heat for his girly name) and Diana (constantly drawing heat for her girthy frame) predictably become the best of friendly enemies. Rating: 2/5
KON-TIKI (M) He came. He Thor. He floated., Norway, 111 min
True stories do not come much more remarkable than that of the late Norwegian adventurer Thor Heyerdahl. On a raft made from balsa wood, Heyerdahl sailed all the way from Peru to Polynesia in 1947. His support crew of five had little-to-no maritime experience. Heyerdahl himself could not swim. This polite, stony-faced dramatisation of the voyage is pretty much Life of Pi without the stowaway tiger or the groovy 3D visuals, but with the same amount of sharks and storms. Heyerdahl (played by Pal Sverre Hagen) is, quite rightly, the only character capable of resonating with viewers here. He comes across as both a slightly-mad idealist, and a media-savvy self-promoter (his idea of taking a cameraman along for the ride resulted in an amazing Oscar-winning documentary). Rating: 3/5
OBLIVION (M) For reasons unclear the end could be near, US, 126 min
An ambitious slab of event-movie sci-fi starring Tom Cruise. He plays a futuristic soldier who is literally the last man left on Earth after some kind of mysterious alien incident has vanquished our planet. The film starts out very strong, with an imposing vision of a world running on empty. However, some scripting and/or editing problems - it is hard to tell what is the main culprit - keep breaking the thrilling spell cast here. As a result, the effect can often switch from jaw-dropping to head-scratching (and back again) very quickly. Deserves the benefit of the doubt thanks to some astonishing set-piece sequences, and an anchoring performance of undeniable quality from the much-maligned Cruise. Co-stars Olga Kurylenko. Rating: 3/5
OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN (MA15+) Save the Prez and save the world, US, 117 min
Gormless, guilty-pleasure action thriller, best viewed as the Die-Hard-Hits-The-White-House affair it so clearly wants to be. And to its relative credit, just about is. Gerard Butler is the hard-ass hero of the hour, a Presidential guard who must come to the rescue when his boss is taken hostage by some despicable North Korean terrorist types. Runs about 30 minutes too long, and some of the violence is just too over-the-top for words. Nevertheless, when it is just plain dumb, the overall effect can be just plain entertaining. Co-stars Aaron Eckhart. Rating: 2.5/5
PERFORMANCE (M) Playing to (im)perfection, US, 105 min
Impeccably acted drama set in the world of contemporary classical music. On the eve of their 25th season together, a world-renowned string quartets is on the brink of falling apart. A key member has been diagnosed with the early stages of Parkinson's Disease. Two married players are heading towards divorce. A film that gets so many of the *the little things* right, particularly the fragile inter-personal dynamic that powers the most creative musical ensembles. The cast is flawless, with Philip Seymour Hoffman and Catherine Keener holding everything together as the couple crumbling to bits. Christopher Walken is also remarkable here, possibly playing his first *normal* character in many moons. Rating: 3.5/5
RUST AND BONE (MA15+) Opposites attract on the right track, France, 123 min
An intense romantic melodrama, neither afraid to wear its heart out on its sleeve, nor belt you one upsides the head with its forearm. The great Marion Cotillard (La Vie en Rose) plays Stephanie, a trainer of marine animals at a theme park who must find a way to rebound from a terrible workplace injury. Therapy happens along in the unlikely form of Alain (Matthias Schoenaerts), a brawny bare-knuckle fighter struggling to raise a young son alone. Stephanie knew of Alain before her accident. Getting to know Alain and getting her head around his curious mix of confidence and desperation allows the real healing process for Stephanie to begin. The movie's wild mood swings - tender one minute, terrifying the next - will not endear itself to all. However, it is the unpredictable nature of its two fascinating lead characters that ultimately makes this such an affecting experience. Rating: 3.5/5
SCARY MOVIE 5 (M) No gag reflex necessary ... nor apparent, US, 86 min
A consummately dreadful spoof sequel, continuing the consummately atrocious standards of the previous four. Past-their-laugh-at-date jokes about Paranormal Activity, Lindsay Lohan, Inception and Charlie Sheen will come off as stale to even those who haven't had an internet connection for the past decade. Why do they bother? Why should you? Rating: 1/5
SONG FOR MARION (M) Her every song could be her swansong, UK, 94 min
An irresistible heart-tugger of a musical drama from England. Vanessa Redgrave stars as Marion, an elderly woman with a terminal disease who draws great solace and inspiration from her membership of the local community choir. However, her husband Arthur (Terence Stamp) is not a fan of his sick wife's singalongs, and does his best to end them. As corny as it might have been - and indeed, can be (pensioners singing Salt & Pepa's Let's Talk About Sex, anyone?) - the movie can also become quite moving and involving when least expected. Of course, Stamp and Redgrave are wonderful throughout. Co-stars Gemma Arterton. Rating: 3/5
TRANCE (MA15+) Total recoil from total recall, US, 111 min
A beguiling and bewildering new mystery from filmmaker Danny Boyle (Slumdog Millionaire). Is Simon (James McAvoy) forgetting to remember? Or remembering to forget? When a priceless painting in his keeping goes missing and Simon cannot recall its whereabouts, the amnesiac art dealer is sent to a hypnotherapist (Rosario Dawson) for assistance. As hypnosis is all about plugging into the power of verbal suggestion, Boyle's job as director is to somehow alternate the current so that the verbal becomes visual. Some sequences in Trance achieve this task brilliantly. Other sections - particularly in a very convoluted final act - pose challenges to the viewer that will push some to the brink of outright frustration. By all means, expect to be entertained and excited, but don't be too surprised if you are often exasperated as well. Rating: 3.5/5
WARM BODIES (M) What to expect when you're infecting, US, 97 min
Get set for the surprisingly heartwarming sight of the undead breathing new life into Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet. Not enough for you? Warm Bodies is funny as well. While its humour is neither as zippy nor zappy as that classic zom-rom-com Shaun of the Dead, this cleverly thought-out affair earns its laughs with a little attitude and a lot of wit. Nicholas Hoult stars as R, a with-it young zombie who develops feelings for a winsome young human named Julie (Teresa Palmer). In spite of not being able to exchange much dialogue - R can only grunt out the occasional word or phrase - Hoult and Palmer get some great chemistry going in the lead roles. Co-stars John Malkovich. Rating: 3.5/5
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