Sammy Riley with students Amy and Sarah test the Bullydown app. Picture: CALUM ROBERTSON Source: adelaidenow
TEENAGE victims of cyber bullying in the northern suburbs are fighting back with a smartphone application they have developed to link children to the help they need.
Co-developer Corey, 17, said his motivation to get involved stemmed from realising that cyber bullying is serious after being bullied himself.
"It might be a really blunt comment but cyber bullying is killing people," he said.
"Bullying doesn't end at 3.30pm like high school.
"I have gotten messages saying `I'm getting bashed' and `I have been told to kill myself'."
Corey is part of a group of about 20 young people from UnitingCare Wesley Port Adelaide's Fresh Connections alternative education program who have created the free app called Bullydown.
The app is launched today at 11am at Northern Sound System in Elizabeth. Bullydown project officer Sammy Riley said the app wouldn't solve the problem, but would start a conversation.
"We just try to promote good choices and then refer them on to other services," he said.
Sarah, 15, has lost two people to suicide because of bullying.
She said the app would help those who feel they have no options left.
For help, call Lifeline on 131 114 or Kids Helpline on 1800 551 800.
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