Screen time: Worlds Away fails to capture the danger. Source: Supplied
MOVIE REVIEW: What sells like hotcakes in Vegas should only be sold in Vegas.
That's the best that can be said of this compilation of highlights from various Las Vegas shows carrying the Cirque du Soleil brand.
Though impeccably shot in 3-D, Worlds Away rarely captures the wonder, danger or eclectic unpredictability of a typical Cirque live experience.
Some noticeably clunky editing must shoulder some of the blame. Just as a camera shot reaches the point where you are about to impressed by the derring-do at hand, the vision is infuriatingly switched to an inferior angle.
It happens all too often to be written off as an accident. A simple recipe has been overcooked, and a lot of the flavour has evaporated.
The action plays out as a series of set-piece production numbers, all of which apply a shapeless surrealism to highly complex circus choreography.
The sequences soundtracked by Beatles' tunes are distinctly pleasurable to watch, as is anything involving the troupe's legendary inventive trapeze work.
Linking interludes featuring a waifish girl with a crush on a hunky aerialist are a total snooze.
Sometimes diverting, sometimes dull, always with the feeling this could have been so much better.
Cirque du Soleil: Worlds Away [G]
Rating: 2.5/5
Director: Andrew Adamson (Shrek)
Starring: Erica Linz, Igor Zaripov
"Not quite surreal thing"
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