Thứ Ba, 19 tháng 2, 2013

Teacher gives bad grades in memes


An Arizona teacher has taken to sharing his students' grades via meme. Source: Supplied

"HEY student, Imma let you finish, but the grade on your Spanish test is the worst of all time."

This is the kind of feedback a group of high school students received after disappointing their Spanish teacher with their less than remarkable grades.

Arizona school teacher, Justin Barney turned his Spanish fails into a series of funny memes and handed them out to his students.

"Telling a student they got a C- has never been more fun," Mr Barney told the Huffington Post. "I have discovered that it definitely lightens the mood and softens the blow of getting a less-than-desired grade. My students love them."


Source: Supplied

Love is maybe not the right word to describe them, but at least these students will learn to deal with disappointment in the right way - with sarcasm and higher than average penchant for wit.

meme 4

Source: Supplied


Source: Supplied


Source: Supplied

meme 6

Source: Supplied

View the original article here

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