Steve and Sandy Matthews of Spring Bluff, near Murphy's Creek, who died after being swept away in floodwaters. Source: Supplied Source: Supplied
Sam Matthews (right) with sisters Sarah Norman (left), Victoria Matthews and brother Dan. Picture: Mark Calleja Source: The Courier-Mail
- Sam Matthews awarded posthumous Bravery Medal
- The 20-year-old saved sister in the 2011 Queensland Floods
- He died in a freak fire six months later
HE knew his mum and dad were dead but he kept going to save his little sister.
Sam Matthews couldn't help his parents Steve and Sandy, who were swept to their deaths in the Queensland 2011 floods, but his actions ensured his then-15-year-old sister Victoria survived.
Sam, who died in a freak fire six months later, is today being recognised for his heroic actions with a posthumous Bravery Medal from Governor-General Quentin Bryce.
His oldest sister Sarah Norman said the 20-year-old's actions during the Lockyer Valley floods had been "extraordinary" in the circumstances.
"(News of the award) made me kind of sit down and get a bit teary," she said.
"Just that he's being recognised on such a large scale for his actions was a bit of a surprise but he deserves it.
"Sam was so humble and it's just a shame that he couldn't be here to receive it himself so that he could understand that what he did was so fantastic."
When an "inland tsunami" smashed into their Spring Bluff home on January 10, Sam pushed Victoria up into the roof cavity - as water raged around them - before going back to help his parents.
But when the water surged, a wall collapsed and a lounge blocked his way, he could not reach them.
"When I first saw the house I thought they were all dead," Ms Norman said.
"To see him I was comforted to know that he and Victoria were OK but when he signalled that Mum and Dad were in the water I immediately knew that they were dead, so he too would have known that at that point.
"But he looked after Victoria. He was a wreck, we were all a wreck, but he did what he could."
Sam Matthews after the flood Source:
When the water slightly subsided Sam climbed out of the ceiling and signalled to his sister Sarah, who was on higher ground.
He then crossed the swollen creek and secured a snatch-trap to allow others to cross before setting off on foot to find his parents.
The bodies of Steve, 56, and Sandy, 46, were later found near each other, about 2km from their home.
Ms Norman, 28, said her brother had just started to recover from those traumatic events when he was killed in a blaze at Murphys Creek, days shy of his 21st birthday.
"He had just gotten to a point where he was starting to look upwards a bit," she said.
"We'd had a lot of really good talks after the floods and moved through a lot of things.
"I'm glad he got to that point at least but it was sad that after doing so well he has died."
A week before his death Sam told News Limited that he had bought a block of land and planned to build there.
"Every day has its struggles," he said.
"I was thrown in the deep end with buying (the land).
"I don't know if I was ready for it but you just have to be ready for it. It's a big responsibility I guess."
Sam Matthews with father Steve (left) and brother Dan (right). Photo: Supplied. Source: Supplied
Ms Norman said she was "gutted" by Sam's shock death.
"With mum and dad it was hugely sad but you kind of had this sense of reason - we thought at least they were together," she said.
"But with Sam there was just nothing. He died in a fire in a paddock. When we went to the property (where he died) that day I was totally empty. I just sat there in the car. I couldn't move. I didn't know how to react. There was no emotion to go with how I felt. I couldn't comprehend.
"It was our lowest. We went to all of these low places (after the flood) and didn't think we could go any lower - we just didn't expect it."
Ms Norman, her siblings - Victoria, now 18, and Dan Matthews, 30 - and their families are still struggling to move on from their unimaginable grief.
"It's seriously changed all of our lives forever. We're never going to go back to a stage where we can feel like we're living a life close to what we had previously," she said.
"Post floods and post Sam's death we keep moving but everything in our lives has changed and it's nice to have some acknowledgement of things that happened at that time because it had such a big impact on our lives.
"So it's nice that Sam's being recognised, even after all of this time, because what he did was so big and if he were still alive (the events of January 10) would still be affecting his life."
Sarah Norman with husband Jethro and children (from left) Israel, Eleanor and Vera, at their Toowoomba home. Photo: Megan Slade. Source: The Courier-Mail
Today The Australian Bravery Decorations Council is awarding one Star of Courage, 19 Bravery Medals, 50 Commendations for Brave Conduct and 15 Group Bravery Citations.
Many nominations considered by the council were for individual who demonstrated courage and determination in the face of one of the worst floods in Australia’s history.
Ms Bryce said national bravery awards recognised the heroic actions of those who put the safety and lives of others before their own.
"We are privileged to have such role models in our society, and it is an honour to be able to recognise their acts of selfless bravery and thank them publicly for their brave actions," she said.
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